How AR is changing modern educational processes.

The technology of augmented reality in education plays an increasing role every year: schools, colleges and universities around the world are moving from traditional methods to more advanced methods. Paper textbooks and manuals are replaced by e-books, wooden and plastic boards for chalk and a marker are replaced by displays and tablets.

Is it effective?

Studies show that mixed reality can surely be considered as a real breakthrough in the field of education. This approach allows us to assimilate information better, to memorize its in large volumes.This applies to any age of learners.

To proof this point of view, several experiments were conducte. During which one group studied new material with the help of AR, and the other with classical schemes and manuals. The tests demonstrated that representatives of the first group learned almost 90% of the total volume of the material, showed discipline and interest in learning, whereas the classical approach showed three times less efficiency.

How to explain this efficiency?

In education, the advantages of mixed reality are as follows:

  • Visibility. A typical example is volumetric modeling. Although atwo-dimensional paper projection gives a complete picture of the object, but it does not allow one to “feel” it, consider the individual elements in detail. The three-dimensional approach is a completely different matter. The future specialist can evaluate the detail, understand its structure, realize various improvements and changes.
  • Visualization. This technique is often used in teaching children who are still unfamiliar with such concepts as theoretical approach and abstract thinking. Visualization of the theory with the help of augmented reality, in turn, facilitates the process of memorization, improves the assimilation of the material.
  • Interest. Remember your own school days. Scrolling through the black and white pages of a textbook is not a very exciting process. And now imagine that pages come to life, the characters enter into a dialogue with you, explain difficult moments, help to get into the essence of the material. Such an approach, possible with Augmented Reality, is much more interesting, more pleasant and clearer.

The use of augmented reality devices in education is becoming more diverse every year. The simplest example is electronic books and applications for smartphones. Some educational institutions move further and install holographic stands, transparent touch screens, equip desks with special glasses.